
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Taiwan 12-Day Vacation – Day 2 Part A -Qingshui Cliff

Today, we woke early eager to go on a guided tour of the Qingshui Cliff (清水斷崖) and the Taroko Gorge. 

We had breakfast at a shop near hotel (5 mins away).

At 8.30 am, our day tour begins from the hotel with Tiffany (driver and tour guide) there to receive us rather punctually.

First we were driven to Qingshui Cliff.  The cliff is located at the southern part of the Suhua Highway that connects the counties of Yilan and Hualien in eastern Taiwan. It is 12 km long, 5 of which span the coastline. This 5 km stretch has a majestic natural beauty. When travelling through this section, we see both the rugged cliff and the endless ocean at the same time. Here we witness the three distinct colour tones of the Pacific. The breathtaking cliff, together with the Pacific coastline and blue sky is truly impressive.

This magnificent area has been designated as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan. While most visitors visit Taroko Gorge without stopping by Qingshui Cliff, a visit to Hualien would not be complete without a visit to this gorgeous attraction.

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Qingshui Cliff information board
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A family pose
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The beautiful coastline with the Pacific Ocean

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Another view of the mountains and the Pacific Ocean
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What can you see?
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Our guide's yellow MPV parked at the side of the road for another wonderful view of the ocean

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the 3 distinct colours of the Pacific Ocean
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Another incredible view
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Again the colours of the Pacific are wonderful
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One final view ... fabulous!!

To check My Taiwan 12-Day Vacation Itinerary - See Link

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